Award Winning Project
After deciding to leave Atlanta in mid 2009, I returned home to Montezuma, Georgia. While I wasn’t born here, I was young enough when I came here that I don’t remember any other place I’d call home. I had often taken photos here when visiting on the odd weekend, but it was the first chance I’d had since becoming enchanted by photography to really take the time to explore Montezuma with my camera.
As it turned out, this time to explore had the unlikely fortune to coincide with a project spearheaded by Camille Bielby of the Montezuma Downtown Development Authority. She had gotten a small grant to create a guide featuring Montezuma’s historic district. Since the project was near and dear, I donated my time to photograph far more of my home town than I might have otherwise. The resulting collection of photos ended up being very much a snapshot of Montezuma’s historic district as it stands at in the early 21st century and I couldn’t be more proud of my part in both creating a time capsule and hopefully helping invite visitors to spend some of their time here.

The resulting guide, A Drive Down Memory Lane: The Guide to Historic Architecture and Sites in Montezuma, is in state Welcome centers and other locations where tourists might chance upon it. I was already proud of my contribution but even more so since learning that the project had garnered our Downtown Development Authority an award last month at the Georgia Downtown Conference, an event courtesy of the Georgia Downtown Association. The award, one of several Montezuma’s DDA won, was for Outstanding Organizational Outreach. It was truly a pleasure to work with Camille as well as Tailfin Marketing who was responsible for the great design of the guide. I’m proud of the resulting product and hope that it continues to bring attention and visitors to Montezuma!
You’ll find some of the resulting pictures in my Macon County Georgia Print Collection. If you get your hands on a copy of the guide, you’ll see many photos that are not featured in that collection but would be available on request.
Mark I am so proud of you congrats…
Thanks much Denise! I was just one part of the project but I’m proud of my part in it.
That’s SO awesome! Congrats, Mark! =)
Thanks much! 🙂