March Already?
Amazing how quickly time can pass by isn’t it? I can’t believe I haven’t made an update since returning from Mexico. Very lame of me!
Although I guess it could well be that there’s not a load of announcements to make as another winter slips past us. Although we’ve had a few cold nights, spring is definitely in the air in this part of the country. As much as I’d like to be the type of person who finds something to appreciate in all seasons, what I appreciate most about winter is that spring follows it.
I’m going to wait until I’m done editing to plow back through and pick some highlights of the trip to share here in my blog, but in the interim, I’d love to invite you to take a peek through my photo album from Mexico.

I also wanted to bring to your attention a promotion I’m running on my Facebook Page. I’m going to send a free print to some lucky person when the page reaches 2,000 fans, and because I like to dream big, if the page passes 3,000 fans before the month’s out, then there’s three more free prints in it for anyone that enters. The hope is this will encourage everyone to share my work with their friends! If you’re on Facebook, please pop over to my Facebook page and click on “Challenge” on the left hand menu. You’ll have the opportunity to enter there.
If you’re not on Facebook, I’d still like you to enter if you’re interested! There’s no requirement to enter other than sending me an e-mail request to be included, but I’d appreciate any volume you can provide by suggesting friends check out my site, newsletter, Facebook page, or whatever it is of mine that you want to share to get them to entertain following my work! I know many of you do that anyway and I’m immensely grateful – thank you so much!
I’ll try to do some non-Facebook-centric promotions next time!
Hope everyone out there is hale and hearty! Take care!