Montezuma Scenes – Small Town Americana
Since moving my gallery to my site, I felt like I was missing a few recent photos from home. So I remedied this last night with just a couple of new pictures.

This photo is from one of Montezuma’s main streets, Cherry Street. If there’s a crossroads of our downtown, I feel like this qualifies. Along with the signature vintage buildings, there’s one store that’s been in business for generations, Troy’s Snack Shack. Any given breakfast or lunch, you’d see the street crowded with cars and patrons over-flowing from the light blue building in this scene. Even for those without roots here, I think there’s a definite feel for what the words “Small town America” means when you look at this photo from my home town.

This is another picture from home that’s a well known home to any locals. The historic McKenzie home on main street was even used to advertise McKenzie’s Frozen vegetables once upon a time. I’m happy to say that it’s recently been restored to its former glory, so it’s ironic that I chose to age this photo in such a way as to mimic the feel of an old postcard rather than a current view of this graceful old lady on North Dooly Street. I really like the stark white columns and where there is color, the distinct colors as you often see on vintage postcards. The home has a very Gone With the Wind feel to it, but it only dates from around the turn of the century, at a time when prosperity had come to Macon County through cotton and peach crops. It’s a beautiful old Greek Revival home.
I have a good number of local scenes, enough so that they now have their own gallery among my pictures of rural and small town America. And still there are many photos that I have currently not made prints available for, so if you have an interest in Macon County in particular or small town scenery, please take a look at various American Print Galleries. If there’s something you see have seen in the past that’s not in my Macon County Gallery, be sure to contact me and I can likely oblige you by making a print available.