Surfer Looking For Waves
For many of us, a simple piece of beach art is magical. Beautiful skies, rolling waves, and sugary beach sand… On its own, this is beautiful combination. When you toss in a surfer looking out at the sea… I guess that would be the proverbial icing on the cake.

Case in point, this beautiful surfer beach scene from Playa del Carmen in Mexico. I spent several days there relaxing and wandering along that beautiful stretch of well-known Caribbean beach. At the time it had been a few years since I had been to any beaches that apparently held any interest to a surfer. So, I literally stopped in my tracks when I saw this guy with his surf board tucked under his arm gazing out at the water.
There was such a classic surfer beach feel to the scene that unfolded before me. Waves coming in from the horizon and a surfer taking stock of the water. There’s just a timeless or ageless feel to this, don’t you think? Even the general coloring of the scene from the cool blues of the sky on down reminded me of an old beach poster complete with surfer. So, that was very much the end look I was after when I sat down with those photos.
A little time has passed not only since I stood on that beach but since I worked on this print. And yet it still feels like a scene I could step into again right now. Do you hear the waves coming in? Can you feel the sea breeze? I can!
This is one of those prints that I look at and wonder why I don’t live nearer to the beach! At the same time, I feel some of that same sense of peace and calm wash over me. It definitely channels that surfer beach vibe with a sense of zen. If I can’t be on the beach, I’ll bring it back with me, y’know?