Upcoming Show – Montezuma Georgia
I’ve entered two pieces in the Macon County Historical Society Art and Photography show this year.
The show is listed as taking place Thursday October 25th from 4pm to 6pm.
All entries will also be on display that following Saturday, October 27th, at the museum in the historic Montezuma Depot, as part of the annual Beaver Creek Festival. All entries in the photo competition are of local scenes. Since it’s been little advertised, one would suspect that most entries will be by local artists.
I am also going to have a little booth in the Beaver Creek festival as well this year. In addition to other photos I have matted and bagged, I’ve printed up some local images for this show.
Entries for the Macon County Historical Society Art Show


So happy you entered the art show. Look forward to seeing your work and checkin out your booth tomorrow morning. Our Downtown Development Authority will be selling t-shirts with pen and ink drawings of the depot. Stop by and say hey!