Mark On Art

Beautiful Waterfalls in Chiapas – Mexican Landscape Art


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We visited the beautiful waterfalls in this Chiapas print on our way from San Cristóbal de las Casas to Palenque. The landscapes of Chiapas were, it seems, as a rule just this dramatic. Between a rafting trip through massive canyons the day before and these towering waterfalls, everything we saw there seemed on a grand scale. And if you have any question that these beautiful waterfalls are large, check closely in the waters below for the tiny people who provide a true sense of the scale at the Cascadas De Misol Ha.

It is funny how surprising things can be sometimes. As we made our way to these beautiful waterfalls the initial approach seemed unremarkable, just another verdant Mexican Landscape through the thick jungles. But when you got within earshot of the falls, you began to realize that they must be large as you heard them well before you saw them. In fact, the air in that little valley even seemed cooler, with the air misted lightly by those beautiful waterfalls. And as we rounded a bend, an opening in the trees appeared and the view you see in this Chiapas print unfolded below.

We did walk down and behind those beautiful waterfalls and it was an amazing experience, but this print of the initial view of those falls is my favorite view. This scenic print captures the majesty of those beautiful waterfalls cascading into the waters far below and the Eden like beauty of the landscape that surrounded them. If there hadn’t been other people already enjoying the view and swimming in the waters below, it would have almost felt like discovering a lost paradise.

Have you perchance visited the Cascadas De Misol Ha in Chiapas? Or do you simply find that the inherent natural majesty of these beautiful waterfalls speak to you? I hope you might take a few seconds to share what you enjoy most about this Mexican landscape print?

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