Mark On Art

Gotham By Night – New York City Art


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I have to say that shooting photos from the top of a bus at night was an incredibly interesting game. While the views were amazing, the photo opportunities basically boiled down to when the bus is stopped at a traffic light. One has to be on the lookout for a moment like the one pictured here. It’s gone in a heartbeat as the bus heads for the open road again.

What most caught my attention when taking this photo is the comparably well lit building in the foreground and the comparative darkness beyond that. There was something about this juxtaposition that really spoke to me.

And I fear I have to admit that the geeky side of me really expected to see the silhouette of a certain Gotham-based caped crusader along the far roof line. Even without the fancy, I really love the warm glow from the windows on the bricks of the nearest building. And the hint of reflecting light on the windows on the silhouetted building just really gives depth to this night scene print from the streets of the real-world Gotham.

I ultimately decided to take this photo the next logical step and textured it to really go with that graphic feeling I got in the original image. I stopped short of adding a caped figure on the roof-line, but if you have the same geeky bent that I do, you probably see him as I do. Yet this print definitely surpasses the geek culture that may have inspired it. Most of the people who have I spoken to about this artwork simply love the air of Manhattan at night they see here. Which camp calls you home? Are you a geek that sees the graphic quality of this? Or a lover of Manhattan and the big city lights?

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