Mark On Art

Pacific Ocean Sunset – Abstract Art Print


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Years ago, I ventured out west every so briefly and saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time. With some irony, I had seen the coast of Scotland already and I remember quite clearly thinking that the rugged California coast bore a striking similarity. I spent the day bouncing from beach to beach and stumbling over rocks for a better view of the sea in one place or another north of Santa Cruz. As with any adventure, my time exploring the that little stretch coast of the Pacific Ocean came to an end. And it’s one that I have never forgotten. Seeing the beautiful Pacific Ocean stretching across the horizon beneath glorious skies was a fantastic conclusion to an amazing day. As the sun fell over the horizon, the vibrant colors that filled the skies and reflected in the seas was just fantastic.

Those beautiful memories of my first encounter with that distant sea were on my mind as I crafted this particular artwork. In fact, I used the color palette from photos from that Pacific ocean sunset to make my color choices in this piece. Of course, my color palette was limited only by my imagination, but as I’ve looked at images over the year, never mind created them, I’ve become aware of how often we react favorably to the combinations we find naturally such as the sunset skies. So, it was a natural jumping off point in this abstract artwork that is loosely based on that beautiful memory of seeing the Pacific Ocean the first time. The blues and the pinks and reds mingling with the golds until it reaches the silvery sands of the beach. This is the sea of my memory and that distant horizon is not just the horizon of the Pacific Ocean but a metaphor for life and the horizon we always see before us.

I would love to hear if this artwork reminds you of your own vibrant memories of seeing the sea for the first time? Or maybe it speaks to you of the beauty of life and our individual futures? I do hope you might take a moment to share your thoughts with me!

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