Brooklyn on the East River
I only tiptoed into the fringe of Brooklyn on this trip but hope to see more of New York City’s five boroughs one day. These scenes are from the edge of the East River which affords a nice view of Manhattan.

This particular picture was actually taken from the Brooklyn Bridge. It represents formerly commercial buildings that are being renovated into lofts at Brooklyn Park, a new waterfront park. The building were warehouses in the 1920’s, so they have a fairly long history on the East River. I really love the architectural style of these old buildings and they are so utterly unlike an industrial building of today. I’m sure, though, the warehouse workers from these buildings early history never imagined it being prime residential real estate or possibly even beautiful when they were their work places!

Pictured here is the oldest ferry landing in New York City, Fulton Ferry. This artwork is based on a photo from my evening here. The history of Fulton Ferry dates back to 1642, and Washington stood here with his men in 1776 when evacuating with his men after defeat on Long Island. He might not recognize it today but its a great place to spend an evening. You can grab a hot pizza from Grimaldi’s up the street and lovely ice cream from the tall white building on the left (an historic fireboat building). And then you’re set to watch the city lights across the East River. Of course, I’m recounting my evening here, but it’s a perfectly Brooklyn thing to do and, as you can tell, a great place to do it.
If you enjoyed these photo-art scenes of New York City, I hope you’ll take a look at my online gallery: