The Sacred World – New Surreal Art
I’m sure there are many old friends out there who would be a bit surprised to see me wander down the woodland path towards fantasy and surreal art. Even though my artwork often has a bit of a fanciful air to it, my images have usually featured concrete places where you could go and admire the view for yourself!
Of late though, I’ve started adding in the odd piece of fantasy art or surreal scenes. This piece I call “The Sacred World” is one of the latest entries in that genre.

While it hadn’t been a secret by any stretch, I hadn’t shouted it from the rooftops either. My fantasy pieces are moments of random inspiration, as you would expect. The reason for mentioning it now was because I was quite excited and proud to discover a print of this latest surreal scene had recently sold to an unknown buyer in Iowa!
I hope I never get so jaded that any sale of my artwork fails to excite me, but this as a tiny bit different. This time someone responded to something that is almost a pure product of the imagination. On a metaphorical level that’s almost as if someone looked into my brain and liked what they saw.
So consider me tickled pink!