St. George Island Lighthouse Art
If you’re familiar with St. George Island near Apalachicola, Florida, then I hope this lighthouse art sparks a memory or two. My art often features locations that either have a personal meaning for me or it’s simply a scenic location that caught my attention. While the St. George Island lighthouse certainly falls into that second category, this is an example of a subject that was recommended to me by a friend who visits the island with family regularly. Can you see why?
When I researched the lighthouse, I was sold just because of the wild history of the Cape St. George Light. This is actually the third lighthouse that was built on the island for the port at Apalachicola. All three lighthouses were taken out by storms. I hear you going, wait, uhm? Yes, all three. The third light was completed in 1852 and after over 150 years, it fell into gulf of Mexico in October 2005. That wasn’t the end of the story, though. The St. George Island Lighthouse clearly was special to a lot of people because it was rebuilt in a park near the center of the island. Thanks to volunteers it was rebuilt using as much salvaged brick and material as possible. A replica of the historic lighthouse keeper’s cottage was also built. This houses a museum.

If you’re familiar with St. George Island, of course, you probably know all this, so I hope you indulged me about the history of this scenic Florida lighthouse that may not be familiar to other visitors to my site. I also hope you think I’ve done the subject justice?
And I know a lot of my visitors are lighthouse lovers, so I hope you’ll all stop to share your thoughts about this artwork. What caught your eye when you saw this? I hope you feel like you’ve taken a trip somewhere tropical! Or at least sub-tropical. I know I do a lot of rainy art, but this one gave me a warm sunny day vibe while the weather outside was actually kind of gray and drab. It was a welcome change on my part.
As I mentioned, hope you’ll share your thoughts. And as always, you can do that either in the comments below or you can send a message if you’d prefer. And I always appreciate suggestions of subjects, be they lighthouses or otherwise. I keep a running list for inspiration!