Mark On Art

Alabama Theatre At Night – Birmingham Greeting Card


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Alabama Theatre At Night – Birmingham 5×7 Greeting Card by Mark Tisdale

This Birmingham greeting card features a depiction of the historic Alabama Theatre at night. I’m always thrilled when I come across a classic Movie Palace that has somehow defied the odds and survived the wrecking ball. These old theaters are so classic that you’ll see elements of the general style still imitated.

The Alabama Theatre is a survivor. When this piece of Historic Birmingham was built in the 1920s, movie theaters were still new enough that the builders hedged their bets. The Alabama Theatre had both a vaudeville stage as well as a movie screen. This was just in case those new-fangled movies were a passing fad. The Birmingham Theatre District once included other classic movie theaters, vaudeville stages and more attractions. But the old Alabama Theatre is the lone survivor of that golden age of entertainment.

In my mind, it’s at night when these movie palaces truly shine, that’s why I wanted the artwork on this Birmingham greeting card to show the Alabama Theatre with its signature marquee aglow. I love the feeling of a night out with the passing lights of cars, street lights and the starry night sky beyond. There’s simply a sense of magic that is timeless.

I’m always interested to hear what attracts people to a particular piece of art. What was it about the image on this Alabama theatre greeting card that called to you?

Have you called Birmingham home? Maybe you still do? Do you simply love old movie palaces like the Alabama Theatre? Or maybe you’re looking for a Birmingham greeting card to send to a friend? I hope you’ll pause for a moment and share what this particular image means to you.

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