Mark On Art

Ascending Montmartre – Sacré-Cœur Art Print


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During my brief stay in Paris, I stayed in Montmartre at the base of the hill leading up to the beautiful basilica of Sacré-Cœur. Each day, on my way out to explore Paris, I glanced up the hill to that gleaming travertine church at the top. In a way, I guess it being right there made it easy to put off the climb, but on the prettiest day of my stay, I looked up that massive hill, and I set off to scale the stairs of the tallest hill in Paris.

There is a funicular, a type of train, that will carry you up the hill in Montmartre, but of course, I was having none of that. I wanted to make that climb to see Sacré-Cœur on my own two feet. Each and every landing on that walk up afforded its own unique angle on that beautiful Paris landmark.

That beautiful church at the top of the hill in Montmartre was built between 1875 and 1914 in the Romano-Byzantine style of architecture. I really liked Sacré-Cœur because it is so unlike the other churches you stumble upon in Europe. So unlike the massive Gothic cathedrals. It has, I think, a fairy-tale feel sitting at the top of this print. And all of the people are on a pilgrimage to the top of Montmartre to see the Sacred Heart of Paris!

I was a little surprised how many people there were making the climb with me, but it was after all an incredibly beautiful day in Paris. And I was glad for their company. Not just for their company on the long walk up Montmartre, but for the scale they lend this print. I love the sense of life to this Paris print. It feels like the living, breathing place it is. Not some massive piece of architecture on a lonely hill but a place populated with people. Don’t you agree?

Have you also made that long climb up the hill in Montmartre to see Sacré-Cœur? Does this Paris print speak to you on another level? I hope you might take a few seconds to let me know your favorite aspect of this Parisian scene!

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