Mark On Art

Fife And Drum Corps – Colonial Williamsburg


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This fife and drum corps print is based on a photo taken during my visit to beautiful Colonial Williamsburg some years ago. History is one of those things I can’t help geeking out about. From American history and beyond. In the case of my trip here, it was specifically because I wanted to visit nearby Jamestown because of my own family history. Jamestown was of course fascinating, but Williamsburg was just pure fun – a sort of living history theme park with authentic Colonial American buildings mixed with ones rebuilt true to the originals. And of course, how many places can you see a Fife and drum corps marching down the streets pretty much any old day? For most of us, we’d be lucky to spot one on the Fourth of July and I’d put that in the exceedingly lucky category.

If you’ve been to Colonial Williamsburg, you’ll appreciate how little of this Fife and Drum corps print differs from the reality of being there. This is a street scene This is a street scene that would have likely looked little different in 1700 than it looks today. The same wood-timbered colonial shops and houses form the background then as today. And the subjects are a brightly garbed band that is likely beating out a military field music popular in the period. There’s a magic to me in how this mingles the past and present. I think there’s something endearing to many of us of seeing scenes of our country from long ago. Certainly there’s an element of patriotic nostalgia. But on some level it’s like looking at pictures of yourself as you’ve aged. In this case, it’s a photo of the birth of our own country rather than a child.

If you’ve ever stood on the streets of Williamsburg, Virginia, fife and drum corps print is probably a fun reminder of a family vacation. But even if you haven’t this Williamsburg print may well appeal to those of us who simply love American history. Beyond the historical, I simply loved the vivid red outfits of the fife and drum corps. It’s such a bright pop of color that it reminds me of spotting a red bird in a tree. Such a cheerful but classic Williamsburg print.

If you’re looking at this Colonial Williamsburg Fife and Drum corps print, I hope you’ll stop to share your impressions on this artwork. Are you looking for a print as a memento of a trip? Because you are a fan of American history? Or need a gift for someone who is? Maybe you have a family connection to Williamsburg? I hope you’ll share what brought you to this particular print and please feel free to share any memories it may have brought back about your own trip to Colonial Williamsburg in the comments section below. And if you have questions or want to contact me directly, please feel free to send me a message.


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