Mark On Art

Paris Metro Sign – Art Nouveau Architecture Print


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I’ve read that the Paris Metro subway system opened in 1900 and is the second busiest subway in Europe behind only Moscow. This may explain why I was constantly lost! But forgetting being lost for just a moment, what I most love about the Paris Metro is the unique style of its signage and the ornate entrances to the stations around the city.  And this fondness for those vintage Art Nouveau signs his was the reason I kept my eye out for a favorably lit Metropolitain sign during my short stay in Paris.

I was surprised that it actually took several days to find the right moment. So often I encountered Metro Stops that were in deep winter shadows or were otherwise unsuitable for my purposes. I had begun to think that before I left, I wouldn’t get my chance. In fact, the entrance pictured here was photographed on my last day in Paris. This is the entrance to the Père Lachaise station – near the cemetery of the same name. I love the awesome Art Nouveau lines of the entrances. I’m told that even new ones retain this vintage styling. The sign was what I wanted to capture, but the setting was absolutely the best I had hoped for. This is classically Parisian. Just look at the buildings, the cafe, etc. Everything just says Paris to me – how about you?

If there’s any question that these iconic Paris metro entrances are artistic in their own right, I saw one standing proudly as part of an Art Nouveau exhibit in the Musée d’Orsay! And those ubiquitous signs had a well earned place in such an exhibit, I think!

I have treated this image to create the depth and feel of a vintage Parisian print. I wanted it to have the feeling of perhaps an old illustration of the iconic city or a weathered painting. The vivid colors really shine through the textures, and I think you’ll surely look at this picture and be reminded of your own time in Paris or your dreams of going there one day!

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