Mark On Art

Red Dirt Roads – Rural Georgia Landscape Art


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There’s no question that when I see red dirt roads like the one in this Georgia landscape print, I think of home. And in the case of this artwork, this is in fact a beautiful sunset from my own home county in rural Georgia. I was raised in the tiny town of Montezuma which believe it or not has paved streets. Yet, those lonesome dirt roads through farm fields were never far away while I was growing up. They are fixtures of my childhood memories. And I thought of those red dirt roads often while I was living in Atlanta. There are things about city life I love, but there are equally things I love about living in with the countryside at my doorstep.

And I think somehow those old red dirt roads get under your skin at the end of the day. I spent many weekends in Atlanta driving away from the city for some traffic free country drives. There’s just something about a sunset that’s only obstructed by the trees in the landscape!

This sunset is in Mennonite country in Macon County, Georgia. A community of Beachy Amish Mennonites was founded here in the 1950s quite a number of years before my own family moved to the area. And a lot of the red dirt roads I know run through their farms. And it’s one of my favorite parts of the county to see the day end. This artwork is based on photos of one of those beautiful sunsets. The blues and pinks of the sky are such a wonderful contrast to the red clay of the dirt road and the clouds of dust over the farmer’s fields. Such an incredible sense of the beauty of the land and the peace of a slower pace of life.

Does this Red dirt road print remind you of your own life in the American South? Or perhaps the colors and the beautiful landscape speak to you? I hope you might take a few minutes to slow down and share with me what speaks to you most in this Georgia landscape?

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