Mark On Art

The River Seine And Louvre On A Golden Afternoon – Paris Art


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Pictured here is a uniquely Parisian afternoon along the river Seine in Paris, France. This is the Seine as seen standing in the middle of the Pont des Arts. To the right in this photo, the buildings visible are the famous Musée du Louvre. Even in the midst of winter, there are tourists on-board boats moving along the wide waters of that historic river and enjoying the incredible architectural beauty of the French capital.

Photography at times is like a hunting expedition, seeking just the right moment. Instead of a true hunt, though, it’s a search for beautiful moments (like this). I stood on that bridge over the Seine waiting for awhile for a boat to appear. Then it was a matter of letting it get to the right place in the frame for this picture.The action of that boat takes this from a pretty cityscape to a dynamic image.

I’ve emphasized the golden sunlight that permeated the cityscape which leaves the rest of the colors that are present very delicate. It has, I’ve been told by others, the feel of a warm old oil painting. And I can certainly see the likeness.There is  a timeless feel both in color and content.

Ultimately, for me, this view of the Seine is really alive, it’s more than just a gorgeous old palace on the River Seine. The boat and the people you can see on it brings life to the moment. And I hope you the viewer finds this image resonates with you as well?

Note: The banks of the River Seine from Notre Dame down to the famous Eiffel Tower, which includes the Louvre, are part of a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site. And of course, the Louvre is designated a Monument Historique by the French. Quite a storied part of the Parisian landscape.

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