Mark On Art

Tropical Paradise – San Juan del Sur – Nicaragua


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I’ve visited some beautiful beaches, but San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua fit my stereotypical image of a tropical paradise. From beach huts to palm trees, this little corner of Nicaragua on the Pacific Coast has haunted me every since I stood on those tranquil shores.

But I’m torn for the best way to describe this tropical paradise. Standing on the beach you could feel as if you had washed up on some forgotten shore, but walk around the corner and you could sit at a table surrounded by others enjoying the good life in San Juan del Sur. It was a little town filled with merry makers but there was a tranquility there, too. What an amazing mixture! I get the feeling that San Juan del Sur is on the rise, though, so I hope this little bit of tropical paradise remains the diamond it was when I visited.

Whether or not the beautiful balance of San Juan del Sur as I experienced it remains, my image of it as a tropical paradise will remain through my images of that cool little coastal village. From the bright colors of the buildings that lined the streets to the great vibe beneath those palm trees and blue skies, I was definitely inspired by my few days enjoying the beach life there.

Have you also had the chance to be charmed by the sea in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua? Or perhaps this tropical paradise print is your chance to bring the beach life home? I definitely feel a laid back beach vibe creeping into my bones when I look at this… Sigh! Whatever brought you to this particular print, I hope you’ll take a few moments to stop and share with me what spoke to you whether it’s travel memories or otherwise.

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