Mark On Art

On the Waters of Boston Harbor – Skyline Art Print


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This print is evidence of my fascination or maybe adoration of the beautiful waterfront on Boston Harbor. It would stand to reason I would pick probably one of the most expensive locales to enjoy. Take a look at all those sailboats in the marina. You can tell this area today is all about relaxation and fun.

I have read that this was not always the case. This is, after all, the historic Boston harbor. This area would have been about shipping and commerce in years past. The waterfront had fallen on hard times without that purpose but Boston revitalized their harbor and it looks like a fabulous place today.

And of course in this print we see Boston’s skyline beneath picturesque skies. As I’ve said before I really think that a sky full of fluffy clouds is ever so much more interesting to look at than clear blue skies. So I always count myself lucky when I’m looking for a good photo if the skies look like they did this day on the water in Boston’s Harbor.

Have you taken a ride out on Boston Harbor or walked that beautiful waterfront and gazed up at the generations of skyscrapers? Perhaps this print reminds you of a beautiful day enjoying the waterfront in historic Boston? I’d love to hear what attracts you to this particular Boston print!

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