
Hot Air Balloons In Egyptian Skies – Dawn Art Print

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I was amazed at just how zen I found the experience of flying in a hot air balloon to be. I was definitely pushing beyond my the boundaries of my comfort zone when I made plans for the hot air balloon flight featured in this vibrant print. I find that travel typically involves doing things we would never do at home. And thus I found myself getting up before dawn to see the Egyptian skies near Luxor. Those morning skies were a riot of ever-changing colors.

I will never forget watching the balloons surrounding us on the desert lifting into the skies. All sense of trepidation had fled and all I wanted to do was join them. There was a part of me that felt like we were in a race and they had the advantage. As we drifted up into those colorful skies, and I saw the balloons above… well, the race was over… All I cared about was the amazing view of those hot air balloons floating above us. And yes it was every bit as amazing as this Egyptian hot air balloon print suggests.

I am not sure if I was incredibly fortunate that morning or if the skies over Egypt from an aerial perspective are frequently this brilliant. But the colors were almost indescribable. Look at the deep purple laced with pink in this print. If I had to name those colors, I am afraid the only name that comes to mind is cotton candy with almost the same spun sugar consistency.

There was an element not just of zen but of serendipity as we and the hot air balloons around us drifted on the breezes. There was no way to plan a shot. I simply had to react to the moment. Such as seeing that one lone golden balloon suddenly fire its burners. That one glowing hot air balloon really makes this print for me. It reminded me of a massive firefly glowing just out of reach in those vivid skies.

In some way, I feel like my series of hot air balloon prints taken that morning are infused with the magic of that moment. I still feel the same cold morning air far above the desert and the almost ethereal sensation of flying where the wind suggested. I’m glad so many others seem to appreciate them as much as I do. Don’t you feel the magic of that morning in this vibrant print?

Whether or not you have drifted on the breezes over Egypt, I know this is a colorful print that brings that zen carefree spirit along with it. I hope you might pause for a second to share what you find most striking about this hot air balloon print?


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Mark Tisdale - The Artist Who Runs This Site
The Artist Behind The Curtains

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At the end of the day, it’s important to me that you can put a face with the art you’re considering purchasing through my site. Aside from the print vendor who ultimately prints and ships your order, this is a one man show. The person who made the art is the same one who is typing this message and the one who will answer your questions if you drop me a note.

You are not a number and I care that you are happy with whatever art you might buy here. I’m here if you’d like to ask questions before or after purchasing. And I’m also happy to work with you where possible to customize the work you’re buying. Maybe you’d like a tweak to the shape of a print to fit in with your existing wall art. Or you’d like to add a little nod to someone special in it? Just ask! I also keep a running list of subjects I don’t currently have but people are seeking. So if you enjoy the style of my work but didn’t find quite what you were looking for, please do let me know.

I’ve been an artist for 15 years now and most of that time it’s been my full-time passion. And it matters to both the endorphins in my brain and the food I put on the table for me (and my cats) that you find the experience of purchasing the products offered here to be a pleasure.