Mark On Art

Hawthorne Birthplace – Historic Salem Art Print


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Can you imagine anything more classically New England than this historic Salem print? The beautiful red Georgian house doesn’t just have that New England feel, it has a genuine pedigree as the Nathaniel Hawthorne birthplace. Hard to get more New England than that, eh?

I stumbled over this beautiful red house bathed in golden winter sunlight on what I gather was a very atypical day in Salem in the midst of winter. The sun was out and the locals were practically in shirt sleeves! It was still cool and damp, but the sun was really out and the snow was entirely washed away by recent rains. It almost feels like early spring with the light so bright and beautiful.

This is the sort of scene that would have interested me no matter what. Classical and colorful Georgian architecture mixed with beautiful light, what’s not to like? It was only after that I stopped to admire it that I discovered this house was the birthplace of a great American literary figure, Nathaniel Hawthorne! The house was built in the early 18th century and purchased by Hawthorne’s grandfather in 1772. Harthorne was born there in 1804 and lived there until he was four years old. The Hawthorne birthplace was moved to is current location to preserve it in the 1950’s.

I think it’s cool that the home both feels like an everyday piece of New England architecture and at the same time is connected so firmly to our common American history. It feels somehow right that a place so prototypically New England in nature would also be the birthplace of one of our great New England authors.

Have you stood outside the Hawthorne birthplace yourself? Perhaps you love his work? Or simply this beautiful historic Salem print speaks to you? I’d love to hear what captures your imagination in this print.

Note: The Hawthorne Birthplace is part of the Derby Street Historic District.

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