Mark On Art

Path To The Papal Cross – Irish Art Print


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On a cold winter morning in Dublin, our bus pulled up to the towering Papal Cross in Phoenix park. As I looked out the bus window, the first thing I saw was that beautiful frosty path leading to the massive Christian cross in the distance. The gears were already spinning for the composition of this artwork.

What’s more I knew that I had to get off the bus first if I wanted to capture the scene as I saw it before others on the bus wandered down that path to see the large cross closer. Inevitably, you knew on a bus with 60+ passengers, there would soon be people crowding the path to the Papal Cross. And you couldn’t fault them for that.

Not that people in a scene are deal-breakers in my mind. If you look at my other artwork, you’ll see I love including people in my photos, but I knew that I wanted this one to be about just the frosty stones of that path and the Papal Cross reaching into the colorful morning skies over Dublin.

I was, as you can tell from this print, first off that bus, and I was quite happy to have captured this art print as I wanted it, free of distractions with the clean simple elements of the path, the cross, and the landscape.

For those not in the know, which included me before visiting Dublin, the Papal Cross was built for a 1979 visit by Pope John Paul II to Ireland. More than a million people attended an outdoor mass delivered by the Pope on this site. The massive Christian cross remains in Phoenix Park as a lasting reminder of that large gathering of the faithful in 1979.

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