Mark On Art

Avebury Stone Circle – Neolithic Britain Art Print


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Through archaeology, it seems we’re constantly getting a little closer to unraveling life in the Neolithic landscape that birthed wonders like Avebury Stone Circle. Yet one wonders if we will ever truly shed the mysteries that surround the ancient people who built them. What was it about this corner of Britain that made it so important to them? What spiritual mythos underpinned the building of this and a myriad of other stone circles?

I’ve been to Avebury Stone Circle, seen in this print, twice. This is the older, larger sibling to Stonehenge, but Avebury has so far failed to achieve the same notoriety. And both times there was a sense of wonder and a feeling that I could almost pierce the veil of time and still communicate with those people. When you stand on the plains in Wiltshire, it feels like those ancient people never really left. Certainly their earthworks and stone circles still shape the British countryside today. They quite literally left an enduring mark on the landscape.

In this print, you can see a portion of the standing stone circle that survives today as well as a portion of the great earthen mound that surrounded the circle. If you need a sense of scale for Avebury Stone Circle and its earthworks, those tiny figure on the mound in this photo are actual people. Avebury is just that vast a Neolithic site.

Having been in the sprint and late summer, I feel late summer has a slight edge. The skies were fantastic, as they often are in Britain, but it was the texture and color of the grass that won me over. I love the dappled gold grasses in the midst of that intense green. It adds so much depth to the large landscape of Avebury Stone Circle.

We may never know the minds that built Avebury or how important it must have been to them. What moved them to a undertake a construction plan that almost certainly spanned generations and likely cost lives moving and erecting those massive stones? But it’s incredible to have even a peek into their ancient world through the ancient sacred places they left behind.

Have you also stood in the midst of that ancient circle at Avebury? Or do the spirits of these ancient places simply speak to you from faraway? Whether Avebury Stone Circle speaks to you from a personal connection or through a love of archaeology and history, I hope this print brings it home for you as it still does for me years later.

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