Mark On Art

Avebury Circle Landscape – Neolithic Britain Art Print


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I’ve been to Avebury circle, as seen in this print, twice. And I would happily go again and again. It’s truly a magical piece of British landscape. And historic to boot. We may never entirely understand the culture that produced the Neolithic monuments in Wiltshire and across Britain, but when you stand where they were built… Well, the place just feels special and it seems to make perfect sense why ancient monuments were built where they were.

Of course, the landscape at Avebury Circle has been greatly altered by the people who built here. What you’re seeing in this print is part of the great circular bank that forms the outer circle at Avebury. When Avebury was built, they didn’t just erect standing stones, they dug a vast ditch and bank that encircles the special site. The ditch and bank comprise one of the largest Neolithic sites in Europe. When you’re standing atop that sacred landscape, you’re truly standing on features the ancient Britons built.

This print, though is as much about a feeling as the place. As the group I traveled with was climbing the bank to walk around it, I glanced up at those beautiful British skies coupled with that great green hill. It felt… inspirational is the only word I can think of. It was as if I was looking at the wide open future, limitless, boundless. And it made me wonder what this place might have symbolized. Was it built to see the boundless skies above ancient England? Mere speculation of course, but It felt truly magical as I watched the people ahead of me fan out across that bank, disappearing into the distance in that beautiful British landscape. I had to hang back to capture this view.

And this is still a print that inspires me as much for the location as for the feeling it gives me. Does this Avebury Circle print give you that same sense of limitless possibility? I’d love to hear what strikes you most about this scene from the monuments of a long lost people.

Note: Avebury Circle and other ancient monuments of Wiltshire are part of a UNESCO designated World Heritage Site.

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